Sa., 09. März
Tomomi Watanabe/Linaà Pulido Barragán Dance Pictures. Tea Party & Vernissage ab 18:00 (free entry)

Zeit & Ort
09. März 2024, 18:00 – 23:00
Linz, Sonnensteinstraße 11-13, 4040 Linz, Österreich
Über die Veranstaltung
Tee Party/Vernissage
09.03.2024 um 18:00
Come and join us for a talk with the artist over a glass of prosecco and snacks
(free entry)
Tomomi Watanabe/Linaà Pulido Barragán.
I would like to showcase my artwork created over three years, mainly in Linz. This includes photographs and video work capturing the dynamic landscape of Linz. On the exhibition I will share the experiences and processes involved in creating these photographs and video works, along with a photographer who has collaborated with me. You can discover how to develop your ideas for artworks and exchange your creative experiences with a diverse group of artists.
Tomomi's Bio:
She is a freelance dancer, choreographer, and performer from Japan. She began her dance training at a musical school when she was 10 years old, where she learned the basics of dancing and acting. At the age of 20, she began to learn dance professionally at a dance company in Osaka where Takarazuka revue dance was mainly taught.
After a few years, she became a freelance dancer and trained under Akiko Tomikawa, who worked as a dance artist in N.Y for 9 years and was renowned for her expertise in contemporary dance.
In 2015, she moved to Berlin, Germany, to further develop her dance style. Since 2020, she has been performing in Linz, Austria, where she has recently focused on creating her own dance works. She has also collaborated with people from other fields such as photographers, video creators, painters, and digital artists to explore new avenues for her art.
Linaá’s Bio:
She is an artist & curator, focused on experimental visual & sound interactive media, photo-film, installation & performance, currently doing her MA Interface Cultures at Kunstuniversität, Linz (Austria). Her artistic work approaches concepts from science and philosophy around states of consciousness, perception, brain, dreams, light and darkness, through the duality poetic around digital and analog media interfaces, having a particular interest in distorting reality in real time. Linaá's artworks have been exhibited in international festivals, museums and galleries such as Ars Electronica Festival (AT), Museu Bienal de Cerveira (PT), Pixxelpoint Festival (SI), Magmart Festival (IT), El Dorado International Airport (CO), National Museum of Colombia (CO), Bogota District Cinematheque (CO), Colpatria Tower (CO), National Center of Historical Memory (CO), Goethe-Institut Kolumbien (CO), Plataforma Bogota (CO), Gilberto Alzate Avendaño Foundation (CO), Espacio Odeón (CO). She was co-director of Reactante, a catalysing agent and generator in art, science and technology.
FORMA/R/TS ist eine Projektreihe, die aus mehrtätigen Veranstaltungen besteht. Aus diverse Genres werden Kunstprojekte zeigen, die anhand eines thematischen Fadens miteinander in Verbindung stehen.
Konzerte, Ausstellungen, Vorführungen für diverses Publikum soll an einem Ort die Begegnung möglich machen und dabei die Vielfalt des Ortes, der KünstlerInnen sowie der Gäste zeigen und am Standort zum kulturellen gesellschaftlichen Leben beitragen. Kuratiert werden die Veranstaltungen von Damian Cortés Alberti, Künstler mit Anbindung an internationale Szenen in Argentinien, Chile, Mexiko, Kroatien, Südkorea und Österreich.