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So., 12. März



A performance night with an audience talk


Zeit & Ort

12. März 2023, 18:00

Linz, Sonnensteinstraße 11-13, 4040 Linz, Austria

Über die Veranstaltung

12. März 2023 13:00-15:00 Workshop

12. März 2023, 18:00 Performances


Performance: Abenkassa: 10/15€ (keine Anmeldung!)

Workshop: Profitraining Preise:  5€ RedSapata members / 10€ non members

Workshop registration: 


Die Sonntagsvorstellungen geben leidenschaftlichen Tanzbegeisterten die Möglichkeit, einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der professionellen Tanzkünstler:innne zu werfen. Wer sind diese hochtrainierten Kreaturen, die sich biegen und drehen, als gäbe es kein Morgen? Die mit magischen Bewegungen den Sonntagsschmerz wegküssen?

Triff die Künstler:innen tagsüber in den Workshops, wo sie dich in ihre geheimen Welten der Kreativität entführen und dich mit ihrer einzigartige Art zum Thema Kunst, Tanz und Choreografie begeistern. Am Abend präsentieren die Künstler:innen ihre neuesten Kreationen in einem stimmungsvollen Rahmen.

Workshop: 13:00-15:00 Pablo & Bea Delgado

Workshop-Niveau: Mittelstufe & Fortgeschrittene


Performance 18:00: Pablo & Bea Delgado / Veronika Maidukova



Sunday showings give the passionate dance enthusiasts a chance to peek in behind the scenes to the world of professional dance artists. Who are these highly trained creatures, who bend and turn like there is no tomorrow? Who with their magic moves kiss away your Sunday sorrow.

Meet the artists during the day at the workshops, where they will share with you their secret worlds of creativity, guiding you through their unique ways of approaching movement and choreography. At night the artists will present their recent creations in an atmospheric performance setting.

Workshop: 13:00-15:00 Pablo & Bea Delgado

Workshop-Niveau: Mittelstufe & Fortgeschrittene


Performance 18:00: Pablo & Bea Delgado / Veronika Maidukova


Delgado Danza Company

Pablo & Bea Delgado



About the artists: The Delgado siblings, Pablo (known as Pablito) and Beatrice (known as Bea), were born and raised in a little village of Algeciras, Cádiz, in Spain. They both graduated with Bachelor of Arts degrees (dance and interpretation) at the Conservatory of Contemporary Dance José Espadero, in Alicante, before coming to Linz. Pablo further studied at the Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität, and is soon to graduate from the Master of Arts program. In Linz the siblings were seen on several productions of the Linz Landestheater. The Delgados are currently based in Vienna, where they work at the Wiener Staatsoper, continuing artistic work as freelance dance artists independently, as well as under the collective D2, Delgado Dance.

Delgado siblings will be performing the new production LA SAGRADA FAMILIA (THE SACRED FAMILY)

What does the truth hide? Do we believe in what we see? What lies behind every deception? Not everything seems to be what it is at first glance, nor does the obvious seem so obvious at times. In this piece, we will find hidden images disguised as absolute truths, just like the works of art of great artists such as Picasso, Escher, Giuseppe Arcimoldo and Octavio

Ocampo. The dancers will draw with their bodies on stage a psychomotor recreation based on improvisations and felt experiences observing the images that those painters created on blank canvases, things that look like something they are not and we want to make believe. Only at the end, if there is one, will we know the reality disguised in this story.

Veronika Maidukova

Resident artist with project W'ART' (24.4.-6.5.2023)

The W'ART project is a cultural and social event which has a goal to open the topic of art and culture at war times and connect people of art to share values and reflections on this topic.

Performer and bachelor in choreography from Ukraine based in Austria, Linz with strong skills in ballet, contemporary dance, improvisation, contact improvisation. Former dancer with different companies and choreographers such

as “Suzirya Aniko” (Aniko Rehviashvilli), “A-6 Art Company”, Santah11 (Ruslan Baranov) and others. Student of IDA (Institute of Dance Arts) in Anton Brukner university in Linz, Austria. Choreographer and director with historical project “Maria Ivanivna”, dance performance “I am Pablo Picasso's lover” in Ukraine, Kyiv and “W'ART” war time art project in Linz.

Besides her solo 'Naïvnist', Veronika will be sharing insights to her residency project W'ART as well as a short film trailer 'No Home' by director Olga Petrova:

'No home' (film trailer)

" A young dancer flees Ukraine when war breaks out. In a new country she searches for inner freedom and continues her passion for dance. The film shows her escape, her new beginning and her personal and creative development in a time of chaos and crisis. It also looks at the background of the conflict in Ukraine and how it affects the young dancer. Ultimately, it's about overcoming challenges and finding inner freedom and fulfillment."

'Naïvnist' - (solo)

What makes us still smile to the sunny morning, after the whole night of crying about news from the Motherland? How do we laugh out loud with the same mouth that just recently was letting out a heartbreaking scream over a dead body of a loved one? What keeps us excited about meeting new people, when we know on our own skin how inhumanly mad can be a human being? How still we can dance with the body that was paralyzed from the great fear for your life?

Enjoy coffee or a good meal, knowing that someone is starving in a shelter? Why do we still believe in tomorrow, when for long-time tomorrows were only bringing more pain and grief? What helps us keep the sense of normality, in the

world that is so far from definition of normal? What is exactly this mysterious power in our nature? Is it a self-protection

mechanisms or deep strength, stupidity or braveness? Is it a way of balancing powers in this unbelievable Universe or just another irony of an absurd reality? And how even possibly these things can be contained in one small human life?

There are so many questions and not a single answer so far. But there is one thought that keep us moving on: one of the millions prays can reach the Listener, one of the thousand fights can be the crucial, one of the hundreds words can change the story, one of the dozens donation can save a life, and, maybe one of the upcoming generations will have a chance to see a better world. The evil is huge, but love is endless, until we are able to give it.

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