Tickets: Everything is for free except the Workshops (25€ each), RegistrationLink: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kqpDeQG4iqEVuPRJZyAana9xI5DSNdyr_EC4XBtSwu8/viewform?edit_requested=true
more info on our instagram @waacking_linz
@waacking_linz @clubsaaaandwich @clubdancecollective
This weekend is dedicated to Waacking. A Full Program with lots of social gatherings is waiting for everyone who wants to immerse themselves into the World of Waacking! In addition to the two workshops, you will have the opportunity to learn and teach in parallel in two other rooms in a self-organized way. This “Each One Teach One” format is an established open educational concept from the street and club dance culture and is offered free of charge. There will be boards on which you can write down topics that you are interested in learning about, input you would like to share, or simply note which group you would like to join. The offers and requests do not have to be limited to Waacking. But the music played during the EOTO will mostly be Disco, Funk and House.